Why the hell would I write this blog?

Why did I create this blog?

In the middle of August 2012, my husband and I found out that he has cancer... incurable, inoperable pancreatic cancer & my life has been a sad fog of hospital stays, doctor appointments and fear of what will I do without my best friend. I've decided to create a blog about my experience with the sadness I feel, to have a place to put my feelings, since I cannot afford a shrink and keeping it stuffed inside seems to be making me feel like I'm going to explode.

This is a blog devoted to trying to survive the loss of my husband, and best friend

I don't know why I'm doing it, I'm such a private person - and a big believer in being careful of the TMI, but perhaps I need an overflow valve. So there you have it.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Loving life - such a hard thing to do right now.

One of the most wonderful things about Paul was his his love of life. All the "little things" gave him joy. Opening up the house for the first time in the spring and letting in the warm breeze, a trip to the ice cream stand with his niece, spending time with his family, going to the track to watch his son & grandson race, watching the snow cover everything with a soft white blanket, watching a hummingbird at the feeder, relaxing in his hammock, camping, hot tubs, the beach, completing a puzzle, solitaire, good food, good wine, music, spending time with friends and laughter. He had the greatest smile and a wonderful infectious laugh. It was hard not to smile when he was around.
Now I feel empty and these things can make me miss him so much. I understand that in time, I will enjoy life again and these things will be fond memories for me - but right now they are reminders of what is missing. Like a giant crater of a sink hole where his love used to be.

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